Statistical Inference & Data Analysis
Enhance your grasp of statistical inference and data analysis with Tutorly’s personalized tutoring sessions! Our dedicated tutors work one-on-one with you—online or in person—to simplify every concept, from sample distributions and estimation to hypothesis testing and non-parametric methods. You’ll also gain confidence in understanding dependency and interdependency within data, setting a strong foundation for success in statistical analysis. Don’t let statistical inference be a challenge—let Tutorly guide you toward achieving your best!
Topic 1. Sample Distributions
Topic 2. Estimation
Topic 3. Hypothesis Testing Basics
Topic 4. Non-Parametric tests
Topic 5. Dependency
Topic 6. Interdependency
Alberto Milone- can teach in Italian and English
Antoine Muller- can teach in French, German and English
Joan Battlo - can teach in Spanish and English
Vukasin Vasilijevic- can teach in Serbian and English
Tutors for Statistical Inference & Data Analysis