Financial Analysis
Boost your grades and deepen your knowledge of financial analysis with Tutorly's tailored tutoring sessions! Our experienced tutors provide personalized, one-on-one support—online or in person—to guide you through essential financial concepts. We’ll help you master every topic, from understanding financial data and analyzing consolidated statements to exploring sustainability reporting and financial planning. Say goodbye to uncertainty in financial analysis and let Tutorly set you on a path to success!
Topic 1. Introduction to Financial Data
Topic 2. Consolidated Financial Statements
Topic 3. Financial Statement Analysis
Topic 4. Sustainability Reporting
Topic 5. Financial Planning
Achille Zerbib - can teach in French and English
Antoine Muller- can teach in French, German and English
Giorgio Goretti- can teach in Italian, Spanish and English
Joan Batllo - can teach in Spanish and English
Marcos del Cura - can teach in Spanish and English
Vukasin Vasilijevic- can teach in Serbian and English
Tutors for Financial Analysis