Tax Law
Gain a deeper understanding of tax law and improve your exam grades with Tutorly's online and in-person tutoring classes. Our expert tutors will guide you through the complexities of tax law, ensuring that you have a thorough comprehension of the subject matter. Whether you're studying for an exam or simply want to expand your knowledge, our tailored approach will help you achieve your academic goals.
Topic 1. Introduction to Tax Law
Topic 2. Personal Income Tax
Topic 3. Corporate Tax
Achille Zerbib - can teach in French and English
Antoine Muller - can teach in French, German and English
Federico Martino - can teach in Italian and English
Giorgio Goretti - can teach in Italian, Spanish and English
Giuseppe Mazza - can teach in Italian and French
Helena Durbán - can teach in Spanish and English
Vukasin Vasiljevic - Can teach in Serbian and English
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